Preventive eye care is very important to maintain clear vision. There are numerous reasons our eyesight can deteriorate. And with the proper treatment, our sight can be maintained in most instances.
Glaucoma can be detected through tests performed by highly trained doctors. It’s necessary to determine how severe the case is, the damage, and what treatments are possible to stop further deterioration.
request an appointmentThere are numerous options for managing your glaucoma. Early detection, as with most physical problems we face, is in your favor. Glaucoma isn’t curable but numerous treatments can help in managing it. Of course, these vary widely by each patient and the severity of your glaucoma.
Glaucoma is when the pressure inside your eye is too great. Like a balloon right before it bursts. Take a little air out and the problem is solved. Fixing glaucoma isn’t quite that easy, but numerous treatments are ranging from eye drops to surgeries.
After your comprehensive eye exam, your doctor will have options for you to consider to maintain the best sight possible for you.
Reducing the pressure in your eyes is key
The first step will likely be eye drops, or oral medicines to help reduce the pressure on your eyes if your glaucoma isn’t too severe. If the doctor doesn’t see the necessary results, surgery may be necessary. If any of the medications cause you to have high blood pressure surgery may be your only option.
There are several kinds of surgery for glaucoma. They vary extensively based on the amount of deterioration to your optic nerve and where it presents itself.
Doctors may recommend laser surgery first out. There are several types of laser surgery and each is very specific to the glaucoma issue you have.
If optimal results aren’t achieved, your doctor may recommend ALT surgery. Argon laser trabeculoplasty, or ALT, is successful in about 75% of glaucoma patients. It opens clogs in your eye so the eye can drain, relieving pressure, and is often done one eye at a time.
Most importantly, you need to understand there are a plethora of options. There are numerous treatments specific to your needs. You won’t feel any pain during any of these procedures and recovery time is fairly short but naturally varies depending on the intensity of the procedure. And most procedures are outpatient, and not lengthy so you just need someone to drive you home and get you settled in at home. Have a nice light soup for when you get home and feel like eating.
Recommendations may include no reading for several days or weeks, no lifting, keeping water out of your eyes, not exposing yourself to dirty or extremely dusty environments. Generally, you’ll just want to take it easy for the time recommended.
Glaucoma can be a frightening diagnosis, but with our highly trained doctors at your side, you will have the best options to maintain optimal sight.
Our doctors will answer all your questions with patience and understanding. You’ll know what your options are. You’ll understand the procedures, recovery times, and exactly what to expect from start to finish.
And you’ll be on your way to better, clearer vision.